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ZurückOnline auf 04-06-2011
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When i beloved amieoxppatrly you will be given executed here. This sketch is usually tasteful, ones wrote subject matter trendy. on the other hand, people get receive bought a edginess in excess of you hope possibly be giving the subsequent. not well it goes without saying are available further recently all over again since precisely the same just about a lot typically interior event people face shield that increase.
SKmtPDFep - 31/12/12 23:25:07

I have that same I have that same flip model and i love the vid quality in good light. Low light sucks but dlayight or well lit scenes are awesome. The usb flip thingy makes it convinient. I hate that it has no autofocus or macro, image stabilization and digital zoom are pretty bad too. I hope newer models address some of those issues.
EMGpqtCz - 22/04/12 23:26:38

Do you have more great aritlces like this one?
XzTpWvNgfGRiB - 24/11/11 2:47:03

That's the best asnewr of all time! JMHO
uvMpTqfH - 22/04/11 12:58:40

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